Take Root is a space for you to stop pretending to be extroverted, stop forcing yourself to fake it to make it, and stop hiding behind a mask just to fit in. Instead, this is where you start being your whole introverted self.

Introducing Take Root Private Coaching for Introverts


It is our priority to cultivate a sense of home within yourself by nourishing feelings of safety, security, and empowerment. In other words, the focus is taking root in who you are and everything that works for you.

We uproot rules that do not help you and plant seeds for new rules that give you permission to be you.

In Take Root, we take a life-first and rest-first approach so that you can grow your comfort zone instead of stepping out of it as you grow.

1- Permission

Common skills that Take Root clients choose to build:

  • having visibility as an introvert
  • communicating with honesty and confidence
  • setting and maintaining unshakeable boundaries
  • managing energy and capacity
  • self-coaching and mitigating mind drama

The program is centered on you and designing your life so that it works for you. From there, we work on skills that you need to create the life you want to lead.

2- Skill-building

Examples of Take Root client life projects:

  • building a self-care practice
  • making friends
  • starting a business
  • improving or ending a relationship
  • pursuing an advanced degree
  • tackling difficult conversations
  • leading meetings at work

While we will hold space to build multiple skills, in the course of 3 months, we focus on one primary life project. 

3 - Life project


My vision for you is that you learn to listen to the quiet mumblings of your body as it needs rest, of your mind as it needs joy and fun, and of your heart as it needs stillness. Because if you don't, who will?

If you've been looking for someone to be the calm during the storm, then I'm the coach for you.

In your most turbulent moments, I will be the grounding force that helps you find direction again and decide on your next steps.

I will teach you and help you build a practice of listening to yourself first, of trusting yourself, and of respecting your own thought process and decisions.

With this practice, you can create a sense of calm for yourself whenever you need it.

As introverts, we don't like loud, so there's no need for us to listen to the loud inner and outer critics.

In private, 1:1 coaching, the program is personalized to you and your goals. That said, some of the logistics include:

  • 1 x 60-min onboarding call
  • 3x 60-min coaching calls per month
  • Personalized action items at the end of every call
  • Weekly check-ins and ongoing feedback on materials relevant to your target skills and primary life project
  • Private messaging support via WhatsApp

What's Included in the Take Root into Self-leadership program?




Kathy, Interior Designer

"I have a hard time getting to the point, but I feel like Jennifer gets it. She asks really good questions and gives me space to talk things out. Talking it out helps me get deeper, and then I have clarity and know what to do. I feel like it’s ok to be an introvert now. I am so much more confident in my job, in dating. I even started my own business and know how to talk to clients!"

Laura, Executive Assistant

"After receiving coaching with Jennifer, I was confident enough to advocate for myself at work. Boundaries was something I didn't think I could have as an introvert."

Van, Counselor for UNIVeRSITY Students

"I was so confused about what to do with my life. It wasn't until I worked with Jennifer that I was able to make decisions. One thing that surprised me had to do with my parents. I was carrying so much resentment towards them that also kept me from living my life. With one question, Jennifer helped me find a perspective that melted all the resentment away."

Alex, Master's Candidate & Brand Designer

"I am interested in many things, and Jennifer helps me relate those things into one consistent narrative: mine. As an introvert, I feel seen, heard, understood and supported."

What clients say about working with Jennifer

Learn to manage your mind and build a better relationship with your brain.

Weekly, 1-on-1 coaching with me and a 3-month plan to build skills and complete a life project.


TAKE ROOT Coaching

Attend co-working sessions, casual chit-chats, live workshops, and more.

