Make friends you have a future with.

Not just random people who happen to be around.

No one teaches us how to navigate that awkward stage of friendships in our 20s and 30s, and it leaves us wondering:

“I don’t know how to start a friendship with someone I'm interested in being friends with. Where do I start?”

“I have a lot of friends in my life, but I feel like we’re not a good fit anymore.”

“How can I be a better friend despite not having the energy to be there as much as I'd like for them?”

“I don’t know if I’m trying too hard. Or am I not trying hard enough?”

During the exploration of and coaching on these topics, you will be taking action every single week towards making friends you have a future with.

  • Sustaining and Enriching Friendships
  • Boundaries and Confronting Conflicts


  • Developing Meaningful Connections
  • Overcoming Rejection and Building Resilience
  • Managing Social Anxiety & Loneliness


  • Reflection on Friendship Experiences
  • Exploring Introversion, Self-Awareness, and Confidence in Friendships
  • Friendship Tiers and Types


Of our many relationships in life, friends are the people that we get to choose. At the same time, we’re more likely to take them for granted as we focus on family and romantic relationships. 

In 6 weeks, you can change the way you approach your friendships and feel more grounded and confident with existing and new friends.

Want to stop wondering and do something about it instead?

You will be supported in a cohort of people going through the same thing in different ways. Friendships are diverse and friendship needs are diverse. By being in a group, you’ll get to draw from different perspectives to approach your friendships in ways that work for you.

Along with coaching and community, there will be lessons, worksheets, guided meditations and visualizations designed to help you:

  • Cultivate supportive and loving friendships
  • Make friends online and IRL
  • Navigate the highs and lows of seeing and not seeing friends
  • Facing the loneliness you feel in friendships that aren’t aligned with who you are today
  • Decide what to do with friendships you have outgrown
  • See yourself as a damn good friend
  • Get clear on which friends you actually want to invest your time and energy in

Inside Making Friends

Make friends you have a future with.

Not just random people who happen to be around.

Make friends you have a future with.

Not just random people who happen to be around.









Your Coach

Hi, I'm Jennifer. Nice to meet you :)

For as long as I can remember, making friends has come pretty naturally to me. It's not a skill people tend to attribute to introverts, but I'm here to change that perception.

Starting with you, and how you perceive yourself as a friend to others!

You can make friends you have a future with. I dream for you to feel confident in being you in your friendships, new and old, near and far, casual and deep, all of them!

You can make friends. As an introvert. As an adult. As you.

Let's get started.
What does the group program entail and include?

  • 6 group Zoom calls, part discussions and part coaching
  • Private Slack channel for group messaging support between calls
  • Weekly homework as needed, will include worksheets for discussion and customized action items

When does the next cohort start?

The week of May 6, 2024.

What if I miss a call?

No worries! While live attendance is encouraged, all calls will be recorded for later viewing.

I don't like to talk that much on calls or in groups. Will this still help me?

Yes! I've found that listening to others share and get coached can help us articulate our own thoughts and feelings about circumstances and situations in our own lives. We'll also have a Slack community where you can type, write, and take more time to process before sharing.

What if I'm not in a North American time zone?

No worries at all. Don't let this be the reason you don't join us this round. Fun fact: I've only worked with one client in my time zone.

This Introvert Community spans at least 7 time zones, with peeps in Singapore, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Canada/US, west and east coast and everything in between. We will make this work!

How will different time zones work with a group container?

Let me figure that out for you! If you want to join, I will do everything I can to make it work for you.

If time zones do present a challenge, I plan on scheduling additional coaching sessions. At the least, we will alternate the schedule so that everyone can attend live at least 4x for the group calls. Lots of options to ensure you get the most out of the program!

What if I'm interested, but I want to join later and not right now?

Why wait?
Why wait on having better friendships and making new friends?
Why wait and put this off if you're already interested?

You deserve this, and you got this. You're here reading this, so you're at least curious. Book your discovery call to satisfy that curiosity. The least you'll walk away with is knowing whether or not you would like to work together.

Why do I need to book a call with you first before joining?

My goal is for you to make a completely informed decision before joining, and that includes getting to know me and how I hold space for you. It's to make sure that we like and want to work together.

And if you decide you don't, that's okay and good with me. But if you decide you do, then also okay and good with me!

Other common questions:

  • What if I don't want to be with my friends all the time, should I join this program? Yes.
  • What if I don't know what I want in my friendships yet, can I join this program? Yes.
  • What if I don't want to be friends with Jennifer, can I join this program? Yes.
  • What if I'm already friends with Jennifer, can I join this program? Yes.
  • What if this would my first group coaching experience, should I join this program? Yes.
  • What if I only have feline and furry friends right now, should I join this program? Yes. (Who are you going to send pics of your babies to?
  • Is the Making Friends Group Program for me if I already have a lot of friends? Yes.
  • Is the Making Friends Group Program for me if I have no friends at all? Yes.
  • Is the Making Friends Group Program for me if I'm really shy? Yes.
  • Is the Making Friends Group Program for me if I want online friends? Yes.
  • Is the Making Friends Group Program for me if I want in-person friends? Yes.
  • Is the Making Friends Group Program for me if I want entrepreneurial friends? Yes.

Addressing Your Questions

Make friends you have a future with.

Not just random people who happen to be around.

Make friends you have a future with.

Not just random people who happen to be around.